XVII International Colloquium on Tourism AGE-IGU

 Tourism sustainability: :

over-tourism vs under-tourism

6th to 9th of October 2020. October 10th fiel-trip.


Maó (Menorca).


Due to the current situation and willing to facilitate the participation of as many people as possible, the Organizing Committee of the XVII International Tourism Colloquium AGE-IGU 2020, wishes to report that:


If the health situation allows, the Colloquium will be held in a hybrid format. There will be the possibility of online or face-to-face participation.

- To facilitate the minimum risk to participants and organization, as well as travel, the Colloquium will be held in a single venue, in MENORCA.

The Colloquium will start on October 6, 2020 in Maó.

Both the registration dates and the prices of the registration fees have been adapted.

- The different participation options are maintained, through complete communications with the possibility of publication, and / or participation with oral input.


In this way we consider that, if the indications of the health authorities advise NOT to carry out events of this type in person, the colloquium is ensured through online means for all the participants.

From the Organizing Committee, we want to convey a message of optimism and our firm intention to carry out the colloquium in the format possible, and ensure the realization of committed publications.

Details and program modifications, dates and registration fees are detailed in the third circular below. We apologize for the setbacks that such modifications may cause. We are at your disposal for any questions and to try to resolve any setbacks that may arise


Best regards and Good Health!


The Organizing

Committee XVII International Tourism Colloquium AGE-IGU 2020





The Tourism Working Groups of the AGE and the IGU organize the XVII International Colloquium on Tourism with the motto Tourism sustainability: overtourism vs undertourism, whose main objective is to offer a space of confluence and debate, in favour of the internationalization of Spanish Geography and to facilitate the exchange and dissemination of the investigations of both groups.



The organization of the Colloquium has opted for its realization in two locations, Barcelona and Maó, by the end of the zenith of its tourist season, to address both ends of the tourist polarization in situ: saturation and attempts to contain growth, through territorial protection measures.

Spanish Tourism Geographies

IGU-UGI, Springer


Leyendo el territorio. Homenaje a Miguel Ángel Troitiño

Universidad de Guadalajara (México)


El turismo, ¿fin de época?

Desafíos de España como destino turístico en un nuevo escenario



SOSTENIBILIDAD  TURÍSTICA: overtourism vs undertourism 

Resultados del XVII Coloquio Grupo 10-AGE

En el XXVI Congreso de la AGE se renovó parcialmente la Junta Directiva. Felicidades a los nuevos miembros. Y gracias a aquellas personas que han trabajado todos estos años.

Disponible la publicación digital  de la obra

España en mapas. Una síntesis geográfica 

Incluye un capítulo sobre turismo 



Innovación, renovación y desafíos.

Aportaciones del XIII Coloquio celebrado en Barcelona


Nueva publicación del equipo de Canarias con Moisés Simancas al frente.

Reflexión sobre el modelo turístico canario.

Nos ha llegado noticia de la reciente publicación en Alba Sud del libro de Ivan Murray, compañero de la UIB. Capitalismo y turismo en España. Muy recomendable.

interesante reseña de Macià Blazquez sobre la salida técnica del coloquio a Gibraltar

A ver qué os parece.